Our mission is to plant Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible, campus-reaching, disciple-making churches in every European nation by 2040. With our new home for Centrepoint Church and a base for our Every Nation School of Ministry, we can further this mission.

A Home for Centrepoint Church

ENSM is a fifteen-month comprehensive training school for pastors, cross-cultural missionaries, campus leaders, and church planters. In its current nomadic and mostly virtual format, it must limit its in-person, residential period to two weeks.

Now that we have a home for the ministry school, it can expand its current program and allow for greater training opportunities for more leaders across Europe once our renovations are complete. The permanent building already serves as Every Nation's European administrative hub for program development and execution.

New church plants are the future of God’s kingdom advancing across Europe. Aging congregations now barely survive in ancient, oversized, undercrowded buildings that are perceived more like tourist destinations and historical artifacts than as doorways to the way, the truth, and the life.

New church plants can be launched almost anywhere, but they do need leaders.

We have developed a comprehensive training program that not only lays biblical foundations and builds healthy theological perspectives, but also equips leaders with practical skills and dynamic spirituality to plant, lead, and grow Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, contextually appropriate churches. Already, ENSM graduates are serving in 15 nations. 

Advancing the gospel across Europe means targeting places like Bathgate. This strategically-located town is a microcosm of the secularization that has happened across Europe. It is equidistant from Glasgow and Edinburgh, where the nation’s two major international airports are located.

St. David’s will soon serve as a base for training and sending missionaries into God’s great harvest.

Even while we wait, we have launched training for missionaries throughout Europe to raise support so they can be empowered to serve. However, currently, we are renting other facilities. We look forward to having one location for all that God calls us to do!

Our Every Nation Church located in Bathgate, Scotland is unique in its response to Europe’s darkness, defying gospel resistance. Planted in 2008, Centrepoint is a vibrant and growing church, reaching people across central Scotland. This church family now has a home – a place where it can put down roots and a location that serves as a platform for ministry to Bathgate and all of Europe.

Centrepoint is severely constrained by the size of the local primary school gym hall where it currently holds services. With access to the venue for four hours on a Sunday, its capacity is limited. Beyond having an enhanced Sunday morning worship gathering, moving into our town-center venue will open up multiple ways of reaching Scotland and beyond with the gospel. We hope to complete our renovations and move in by late 2026.

A Comprehensive Training School

The Gospel Need in Europe

A Hub for Missions Across Europe

Pastor Tom’s Story

When he was still a campus minister at UNC-Chapel Hill, Dr. Tom participated in a mission trip to the Soviet Union in May 1990, and the Lord opened a door for him to preach the gospel to a room full of university students.

Atheists came to Christ, students responded to the gospel, and he took steps for gospel advance in Ukraine. Over the next few years, he planted five more churches in Ukraine – and one in Spain – all of which continue to thrive, even during the current war in Ukraine.

Following years of ministry in Ukraine and commissioned by Bishop Ron Lewis out of King’s Park International Church in Durham, NC, Dr. Tom and Jean led a team that established Centrepoint Church in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2005 and a second congregation in Bathgate in 2008. The Bathgate congregation is growing dramatically and reaching people throughout central Scotland.

We began hosting equipping events in 2011 and established the school of ministry in 2017.  We have now equipped over 100 church planters, evangelists, and missionaries from more than 30 churches in 15 nations. In partnership with Centrepoint Church in Bathgate, Scotland, we have purchased a town-center venue as the permanent home for our school of ministry and are now renovating to use its full capacity.